Butterflies over the City
Butterflies over the city exhibition explores nature and connecting with it and knowing that nature can be a source of solace, healing, insight and regeneration, communing with nature is also a source of wonder, nature quite simply is everything it is the source of life.
But urbanization and the rapid pace of development are fostering a sense of disconnection from the natural world . The people in the city can no longer contemplate what and how nature is. The simple activities of watching a bird in flight, glancing at cloud formations in the sky or even looking at growing plants are increasingly becoming difficult to experience.
‘Butterflies over the City’ is a reminder of how nature is our foundation, nourishment, comfort and our treasury. And it is only by accounting for the full, comprehensive and irreplaceable value of nature in our decision making that we can secure the future of our society.
Butterflies Over the City
May 27- June 19. 2016
OM’s Flat,Plot 1699 Sanusi Fanfunwa
Victoria Island.
Alimi Adewale
May 2016