Becoming A Person of Texture
‘Becoming a person of texture’ is an experimentation and exploration of texture in my journey through different materials that I have employed in my art practice. I have used materials such as Canvas, Dyed Canvas [Batik], Yoruba Aso Oke Weave, and Textile Collage and now taking it further with Stitched Heavy Cotton. Texture relates more to our aesthetic experience and it is an important part of our interaction with art. Texture is one of the seven formal artistic elements, along with line, color, shape, form, value and space. It can affect mood, evoke psychological associations, bring attention to a medium, or divert our focus toward materials used in a work. Used adeptly, texture can even challenge our perception of what is real. I have used the heavy cotton texture as base to give solidity to these body of work in a two-dimensional format. In these exhibitions are my first bronze works which is a continuation of my sculptural exploration from my anonymous heads [wood]. The Icons of the Metropolis, such as The Taxi driver, Area Boy etc. are sculpted in clay and cast in Bronze. It is a deliberate act as it is evident in all my sculptural works not to seek perfection and these bronze works take the same approach.
Gratitude to Mr and Mrs Berthet for curating this exhibition,
all my collectors and the French community in Nigeria
Lagos, 22nd of March 2019